If I was sad, I drank alcohol to feel better. If I was hanging out with friends, we were getting drunk. Acute anxiety and depression from the withdrawal process can ease within a few days to a week. But for many people, lingering feelings of anxiety, depression, and general malaise can last weeks, months, or even longer. When serotonin and dopamine levels are low, we become less motivated and less interested in our surroundings. This can lead to feelings of extreme boredom and apathy.
Whether it’s old-school Nintendo or you’ve somehow secured a PS5, break out the controller and get gaming. This is a great hobby to do solo, or hop online and connect with friends and new people! Here are some game suggestions for mindful play. When we’ve quit drinking, alcohol is no longer a choice.
Years Sober, 2016 Vs 2006
It’s hard to fill that time, especially when dealing with alcohol cravings and triggers. My friends and I got together for happy hours after work. During the day, there were all-inclusive brunches. It all felt normal, even the terrible parts like awful hangovers and hangxiety. In fact, when you first quit, it feels like everyone in the world is out getting drunk but you. Find a local chapter of Toastmasters and confront your fear of public speaking (or fine-tune your already-fabulous skill!).
Does alcohol help with boredom?
Most people drink to fill some sort of void, like boredom, loneliness, an unhappy relationship, job-related stress or anxiety. But drinking alcohol doesn't solve any of these problems. When the alcohol wears off, your problems will still be there, and you'll likely reach out for more alcohol to escape them again.
Think of times or places where alcohol is normally found. Parties, seasonal events, family meals or work gatherings might spring to mind. Drinking alcohol is often seen as a very social activity, but in truth for millions of people, it’s the total opposite. Some drink for pleasure or at social events, while others find themselves drinking for no reason at all.. Regardless of the intent, there are significant health implications that arguably make alcohol the most dangerous substance on the market.
Boredom Drinking Alcohol Abuse Rehab Programs
If you have other coping skills you can reach for you, you may be less likely to turn to alcohol to help you regulate your feelings. Maybe you’re stuck in another pointless meeting at work or your dentist is running behind schedule. However, if you’re frequently bored, you may not have enough to do.
When you get sober, you realize there is an entire daytime pulse in your city or town that you never really felt before. Things that people do during that day that don’t involve recovering or boozy brunch. What did you enjoy doing before drinking came around and took over your social life? If you must dig WAY back into childhood for this answer, then do that.
Reasons Why You Are Bored Without Alcohol
We have the seasons where we can stroll around in the fine warm weather and other seasons where we have to get all dressed up in our woolen winter clothes. If every day was the same we’d soon get bored. Alcohol drinking out of boredom becomes a problem when it causes social or relationship problems. Perhaps you argue with your partner when you’re drinking, or maybe you become the loud person who embarrasses their friends in a restaurant.
Is being sober trendy?
On Faire, we saw a 250% year-over-year increase in searches for “non-alcoholic” and “alcohol-free” between 2021 and 2022, leading us to predict that this sober curious trend will continue to rise in the new year.
Regardless of the screening results, it’s important to talk to a professional to get more information. You’d be quite surprised how much weight you’d lose just by quitting alcohol. Alcohol slows down metabolism and digestion rate, makes you eat more, it also ferments in your gut, and causes a lot more sugars to grow in there.
This one seems paradoxical, but if you try it, you might find it helpful. Part of the reason boredom is irritating is that we do something with the expectation that it will be fun and interesting but then it doesn’t deliver. However, when you vacuum the living room or put away your laundry, you don’t expect it to be fun; you just want the result.
You should be able to go about living your life without drinking alcohol, but you feel utterly useless and have no idea what to do with yourself. Everyone gets bored sometimes, it’s just the way life is. It’s what makes certain parts of your life all the more exciting. The boring moments make the exciting moments seem all the more exciting. We have good weather days and bad weather days.
Drinking Out of Boredom
But turning to alcohol to cope also means many people are at an increased risk of health problems, substance use disorders, relationship trouble, and mental health problems. For other people, drinking alcohol out of boredom is a much more active choice – they drink to cope with negative feelings like anxiety or loneliness. Many people say that they drink alcohol to manage anxiety – to numb it or take the edge off difficult feelings.